Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summary for the week of 5/20/07 through 5/24/07

Upon arriving at MTV Networks in Times Square, New York, the first thing I did was attend an orientation for all summer interns. The orientation was relatively straightforward and just gave me details regarding what was to be expected in the “Business Conduct Statement” packet, and introduced me firsthand to the company itself. Other interns and I the conducted a short workshop to help as an ice breaker, and the supervisors and intern coordinators talked briefly to each of us in order to answer any questions.

Following the orientation, I went up to the office, MTV Digital Music Group & Logo, where I met with my supervisor, Dan Russo, who showed me around and told me what to expect over the next couple of months. Overall, the office is casual and I have my own computer and desk. Many of the responsibilities with MTV Digital Music are day to day activities that are necessary for this department to be as efficient as possible, such as organizing financial information, running errands to pickup products and researching various necessary items. I also discussed with Dan my schedule over the summer and other useful tips and techniques to help best do my duties.

Over the first week, I also started to formulate my idea for my “Digital Research Project” that I will eventually present before the Executive Vice President of Digital for MTVN Music Group & Logo. I decided on researching “online music stores”, as I felt that it combined aspects of the department I am working in and the Internet studies program, as well as being a topic that I have great interest in. I started this ongoing research project when I was in between other tasks by searching through and compiling information from various types of music stores (aka iTunes, MTV’s own “URGE”, among others). This led me to start comparing the differences between these services, file sharing, and other unique ways of providing music to a listener. This project will also attempt to bring new ideas of how to improve MTV’s own presence in this area.

Other tasks included ordering office supplies and creating an organized work area for Dan and myself, organizing items for various partners of MTV Networks, as well as verifying expenses in the “Travel and Expense Reports”.

Next week I will be working further on the Travel and Expense Reports along with my Research Project, among other duties.

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